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Immature People vs Mature People

“The first step on the ladder of success is always failure. Immature people don’t deal well with failure and immature people don’t understand that there is going to be failure.” – Kelvin Sampson, Head Coach of the #1 seeded Houston Cougars (2023-24)

I hear so many people rationalize, make excuses, or get defensive about why they messed up. They can’t even name it “failure” – like “failure” is a dirty word. It always makes me nauseous.

I realized when reading this quote that people who mature in many areas of their lives, can also be completely immature in this one important area of their life. Check out what I mean:

Immature people:
– think things happen to them, instead of for them.
– make excuses for their failures.
rationalize & explain away their bad behavior/choices.
cannot admit to others that they messed up.
– think they deserve people’s respect.

Mature people:
– realize things happen for them, instead of to them.
accept that failures happen and fight forward.
admit their bad behavior/choices, and take responsibility.
admit to others and apologize for their mistakes.
– appreciate the opportunity to earn people’s respect.

I know you know some people that could use your help explaining the difference between mature and immature people. Truth in love is important. Be kind to someone by being clear about how they can improve themselves starting today! BTW, they probably won’t love this conversation, but they need it!

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