
Leadership Momentum

Momentum is real. Watch any sporting event and see the power of momentum to build confidence and inspire belief. Leadership Momentum is real, too.

Dr. Chris Hobbs discusses leadership momentum in his post on Eagle Eye called “Ol’ Man Mo'” from December 6, 2024. You can subscribe to his blog here.

Momentum may feel mythical in the heat of competition, but in leadership, it’s something you can cultivate. Here are five ways to become a momentum maker:

1. A Momentum Maker SMILES
Did you know people naturally mirror the facial expressions they see? A smiling leader sets a positive tone. Momentum doesn’t linger in misery—so start by turning that frown upside down!

2. A Momentum Maker is FIRST
Be the first to initiate—smiles, handshakes, events, programs, anything. Taking the first step reflects a belief that good things are possible, and momentum thrives on that optimism.

3. A Momentum Maker is a FUTURE-CASTER
Talk about how incredible tomorrow can be. Share dreams, goals, and visions often. When a leader paints an inspiring picture of the future, the team rallies to make it a reality.

4. A Momentum Maker TAKES ACTION
As coach Keith Allen says, “Winning is reserved for those who take action.” Leaders who keep moving forward inspire others to do the same, even when it’s hard. Momentum loves movement.

Success comes from doing good things repeatedly. Momentum loves leaders who are steady in their mission and treat people well. As Jim Collins said, great leaders are “fanatics of consistent action.”

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