
Operation Build & Save Lives

Transformational leadership is what we are all after. We all go into athletics and coaching to make a difference in the lives of student athletes; with the hope that we can be a pivotal part of a person becoming a better version of themself through athletics. Those transformational moments are why we do what we do as ADs, coaches, and parents.

Introducing Coach Matt Deggs. Coach Deggs is a force in transformational leadership. His press conference after a loss in the NCAA Baseball Super-Regionals in 2017 went viral and was seen by more than 50 million people. It strikes a cord because of how counter cultural the message is to the “norm” of modern sports culture.

His description of his team, and their team’s culture is something that all ADs, all coaches, all parents, and all athletes should want their child to be a part of. Please watch this 2 minute video.

What stood out to you the most?
Which quote will you remember?
Are you doing any of these things well on your team already? Which ones?
Which theme or idea do you think you could embody more effectively?

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